Privacy report Flemish Short Mat bowls Federation vzw (September 2018)
The Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation ( FSMBF ) finds it very important to make sure your privacy is assured. We hereby would like to inform you what we do with the personal information we have about you.
FSMBF collects and uses only personal information that is necessary for one purpose: "To better the practice and promotion of the Short Mat Bowls sport in competitive and recreational way in Flanders in togetherness with their members (clubs)".
We have taken all precautions to prevent your personal information being used by outsiders. We do not pass that information on to third parties, unless it is necessary for the purpose we are looking to achieve.
As the FSMBF we are responsible for the safe keeping of all information on a personal level.
If you have any questions about this declaration, or about the use of the information, please contact:
Adress: Johan Stevens, Annastraat 13, 3740 Bilzen
Tel: +32 479/97 22 19
Why do we keep this personal information of our members ?
- To ensure VLAS/SPORTIF has the correct information for making the membership cards and to enrol all members in the communal accident insurance.
- To be able to inform all our members about:
• Our day-to-day running
• Competition calendar and results
For those reasons we keep the following personal information of our members :
• Surname, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail
• Sex, date of birth, nationality, national registration number
We receive this info through your membership within our clubs and from the results of the competitions that they or the federation organises.
We only use the collected information solely for the purposes we received them for. The information you give to us, we will only pass on to a third party when this is necessary for achieving our goals. The use of a third party happens:
- To send the magazine TRENDS by VLAS
- To send invitations for tournaments
- To list the results and competition rankings .
We only pass on the information given to us by all members when this is legally possible or necessary. One example is the passing on of the information to SPORT.VLAANDEREN for the recognition as a Flemish sportsfederation. When we pass on this information it is with the understanding that others in their turn also only use this information for the sole purpose they were given to them.
As far as personal information for minors, (younger than 16) we will only be using it with permission given by a parent or a legal representative.
We have taken all necessary technical and organising precautions to protect your personal information from unlawful use. We have taken the following precautions:
- All persons who, in name of FSMBF, have knowledge of your personal information, have declared not to pass it on to third parties and only to use it for the purpose previously mentioned.
- The committee members of FSMBF that oversee the information are informed about the importance of protecting this information.
- All the information will be updated yearly.
- Back-ups will be made of the personal information files to be able to restore these in case of physical or technical incidents.
- We are in possession of, and the use of, a username and a password.
You have the right to check, correct or delete your own personal information. If you have a complaint about the use of your personal information, we ask you to contact us immediately.
You also have the right to put in a complaint to the privacy commission ( ), this is the legal authority for the protection of privacy.
Because the promotion of the practising of our sport is our main purpose, photos are taken during our activities and these of our members (clubs). Good photos of members and participants might be used for publication on our website and in flyers and posters.
The latest alteration was made on 15th September 2018
Short version privacy declaration Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw
Your personal information is used by the Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw, St. Annastraat 13,3740 Bilzen, This to register your membership. Also to inform you about our offering. If you do not want your information to be used for that purpose , then please get in contact with us on Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw. You can also check the information we keep on you . You can have it corrected or deleted.
Privacy report Flemish Short Mat bowls Federation vzw (September 2018)
The Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation (FSMBF) finds it very important to make sure your privacy is assured. We hereby would like to inform you what we do with the personal information we have about you.
FSMBF collects and uses only personal information that is necessary for one purpose: "To better the practice and promotion of the Short Mat Bowls sport in competitive and recreational way in Flanders in togetherness with their members (clubs)".
We have taken all precautions to prevent your personal information being used by outsiders. We do not pass that information on to third parties, unless it is necessary for the purpose we are looking to achieve.
As the FSMBF we are responsible for the safe keeping of all information on a personal level.
If you have any questions about this declaration, or about the use of the information, please contact:
Adress: Johan Stevens, Annastraat 13, mmm 3740 Bilzen
Tel: +32 479/97 22 19
Why do we keep this personal information of our members ?
- To ensure VLAS/SPORTIF has the correct information for making the membership cards and to enrol all members in the communal accident insurance.
- To be able to inform all our members about:
• Our day-to-day running
• Competition calendar and results
For those reasons we keep the following personal information of our members :
• Surname, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail
• Sex, date of birth, nationality, national registration number
We receive this info through your membership within our clubs and from the results of the competitions that they or the federation organises.
We only use the collected information solely for the purposes we received them for. The information you give to us, we will only pass on to a third party when this is necessary for achieving our goals. The use of a third party happens:
- To send the magazine TRENDS by VLAS
- To send invitations for tournaments
- To list the results and competition rankings .
We only pass on the information given to us by all members when this is legally possible or necessary. One example is the passing on of the information to SPORT.VLAANDEREN for the recognition as a Flemish sportsfederation. When we pass on this information it is with the understanding that others in their turn also only use this information for the sole purpose they were given to them.
As far as personal information for minors, (younger than 16) we will only be using it with permission given by a parent or a legal representative.
We have taken all necessary technical and organising precautions to protect your personal information from unlawful use. We have taken the following precautions:
- All persons who, in name of FSMBF, have knowledge of your personal information, have declared not to pass it on to third parties and only to use it for the purpose previously mentioned.
- The committee members of FSMBF that oversee the information are informed about the importance of protecting this information.
- All the information will be updated yearly.
- Back-ups will be made of the personal information files to be able to restore these in case of physical or technical incidents.
- We are in possession of, and the use of, a username and a password.
You have the right to check, correct or delete your own personal information. If you have a complaint about the use of your personal information, we ask you to contact us immediately.
You also have the right to put in a complaint to the privacy commission ( ), this is the legal authority for the protection of privacy.
Because the promotion of the practising of our sport is our main purpose, photos are taken during our activities and these of our members (clubs). Good photos of members and participants might be used for publication on our website and in flyers and posters.
The latest alteration was made on 15th September 2018
Short version privacy declaration Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw
Your personal information is used by the Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw, St. Annastraat 13,3740 Bilzen, This to register your membership. Also to inform you about our offering. If you do not want your information to be used for that purpose , then please get in contact with us on Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation vzw. You can also check the information we keep on you . You can have it corrected or deleted.